Because of the COVID-19, we were not able to meet in the various exhibition halls on the first floor of the School of Design & Art as before, and we were not able to take pictures and say goodbye to each of the students who have been with us for four years as before. But we can have a creative exchange and collision with students and people from all walks of life from all over the country and even the world through this online exhibition. This is a big challenge and a bigger stage, so let's enjoy this "viewing" trip on the "cloud".
因为疫情,我们没有办法像以往一样相聚于设院一楼的各个展厅,也没有办法像以往一样和每个相伴四年的同学合影、告别。但我们可以通过这次的线上展演,和来自全国乃至世界各地的学生和社会各界的人士进行一次创意交流和碰撞。这是一次很大的挑战,也是一个更大的舞台。“大学三年闻琢玉,东堂一举早成命”。就让我们在“云上”欣赏这次 观景”之旅吧。
因为疫情,我们没有办法像以往一样相聚于设院一楼的各个展厅,也没有办法像以往一样和每个相伴四年的同学合影、告别。但我们可以通过这次的线上展演,和来自全国乃至世界各地的学生和社会各界的人士进行一次创意交流和碰撞。这是一次很大的挑战,也是一个更大的舞台。“大学三年闻琢玉,东堂一举早成命”。就让我们在“云上”欣赏这次 观景”之旅吧。
Jun 2020