The Orchid
The Orchid demonstrates a hybridized virtual plant, generated by GANs based on the symbol of sex and the orchid visual. The project serves as a commentary on how we gradually forget about the orchids’ materialities. Seeking to retrace the history of this physicality, the work aims to find our companionship with orchids, inviting the audience to consider our relationship with them, apart from their symbols, and beyond their aesthetics.
The Orchid展示了一种杂交的虚拟植物,由GANs基于性的象征和兰花的视觉而生成。该项目是对我们如何逐渐忘记兰花物质性的一种评论。通过追溯这种物质性的历史,该作品旨在寻找我们与兰花的伴生关系,邀请观众思考我们与它们除了符号与美学外的关系。
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)